(*) Yonatan will have office hours on Monday, 10:00 -12:00.
Final Exam Information
Instructor: Dr. Yonatan Katznelson
Office: Baskin 361B
Office hours: MWF 10:00-11:30 am, or by appointment.
Phone: (831) 459 1046 (Don't leave message - send email).
Email: yorik@ucsc.edu (Note: yorik is not my name).
Teaching Assistant: Catherine Brennan
Office hours: M 9:30 - 10:30 am, BE 312 C/D, W 9:30 - 10:30 am, E2 480.
Email: cbrenna1@ucsc.edu
Tue 8:30 - 9:40 am, Kresge 325
Wed 8:00 - 9:10 am, Kresge 325
Wed 3:30 - 4:40 pm, Soc Sci 2, 159
Thu 8:30 - 9:40 am, Soc Sci 2, 159
Teaching Assistant: George Labaria
Office hours: Wed 4:00 - 6:00 pm, Baskin 312 C/D
Email: glabaria@soe.ucsc.edu
Tue 6:00 - 7:10 pm, Kresge 325
Tue 7:30 - 8:40 pm, Kresge 325
MSI Learning Assistant: Melissa Arima
Email: marima@ucsc.edu